NBA 2K22 PS4 Review
Description:NBA 2K22 has been out for two months now, but I’m sure many of you are still waiting to find out if you want to get it.
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1) Graphics
Although there are not many graphical improvements in the current generation of NBA 2K22, it is clear that the player’s body shape is more refined and closer to the real world, muscles, veins and skin textures are better detailed. And during games, the camera zooms in for close-ups that are closer to the real game’s broadcast angles and mirrors, so you can see your favourite players up close and personal.
2) Dribbling
In the past, the dribbling might be a bit jerky and unconventional, but this time, it’s just a matter of speeding up with the ball, changing hands and then taking a step back, all of which are smoother and more conventional, so you can get more involved in the game.
4) Blocking
Blocking is a huge breakthrough in NBA 2K22. It used to feel like it was set up so that you had to be at a certain angle and ability to trigger a block, but this is much closer to the physics of the game!
5) Shoot ’Em Up
Although the current generation version does not have a “dunk meter” feature, the shooting bar has been changed from horizontal to vertical, so even with a wide open shot and a three-point shooter, it may still take some familiarity to hit “perfect”. Incidentally, NBA 2K22 has been updated in terms of both defence and computer logic, so it’s less likely that games will turn into “three-point shooters” in the past.
6) Physical Combat
Although you can feel the physicality of the game in NBA 2K20, in NBA 2K22 it is more about technique and tactical physicality.
Now that next-gen consoles are slowly becoming more and more popular, 2k Sports is bound to focus on next-gen consoles, and the next-gen version of NBA 2K22 is bound to have more breakthroughs and changes; even so, there are still a lot of things to play in the current-gen NBA 2K22, such as the MC career mode being moved to the sea for the first time, and the various game details and logic being changed to bring the whole thing closer to the real thing. There’s still a lot of work to be done, but as for the graphics, new content and so on, we recommend getting the next-gen version, as it’s probably the limit for current-gen consoles.